xinying ♥ jingqi ♥ huimin ♥ qiaochu ♥ julia ♥ yingzi ♥ shuyun ♥ cerintha

30.1.08 1:13 am

hey-lo darlings! my exams are finally over! okay.. they were over like last friday but i've been too busy too blog about stuff haha, you'll soon understand why. hmm, i'll start with what happened on friday. ended my economics paper in the afternoon(it was okay, i guess). then l went out with joanne, jolyn and heanwu(who just got back from his interview at king's) to catch my long-awaited movie, P.S. i love you. it was a disappointment, really. especially because i had read the book and found it extremely touching. the movie was, not so. after the movie, we met up with the rest of the gang, and some juniors for dinner at some italian restaurant. jo and i didn't stay to have dinner because... and don't scold me, you guys, because we wanted to shower before going clubbing. and so, we went home, rushed through our shower and met up with sasha, aruana and dajie to head up to london to this club called isis. met up with madelina there as well. it was okay laaa. the music sucked. techno music isn't nice and it was too loud; all of us actually had like, foggy hearing, even until the next morning. you know, like what happens when you drive up a mountain like genting or when you sit on a plane. anyways, the one thing that made the whole trip bearable, and xinying's going to be so excited over this, is that i got to meet that gardener-guy from desperate housewives. i just found out because initially, all i knew was the guy was the one from jon tucker must die, haha. anyways, he's so cute in real life! gah! and madelina and aruana managed to have a photo taken with him. he was holding a private party at isis(it's a celeb hangout, according to pink. all i knew was that it was a posh london club opposite the one that prince william, yes, THAT prince william, goes to) and somehow, my friend managed to get us on the private guestlist. it may have something to do with the fact that she clubs a lot and has connections. lol. as taken from pink, the gossip blog:

Nadine Coyle and Desperate Housewives star Jesse Metcalfe have split, according to sources. Jesse jetted to London on Friday and has been hitting the London party scene hard, with one noticeable absence - Nadine. The pair went their separate ways after trying unsuccessfully to make their rocky relationship work. A souce says: "Nadine decided to breakup with Jesse. She's saying it's just a break but we all know it's not. They've had a very unstable relationship of late and she tried everything to make it work. "But they want different things in life at the moment and that was the final nail in the coffin. She flew to LA recently and spent the entire trip with he r family and gal pals. She even discussed a big girly trip to Vegas - without Jesse. She's never really done that before, he used to always be part of her plans. She's well and truly getting on with her life as a single girl." Jesse was at the new celeb hangout No 50 Dover Street in London until the early hours of Saturday morning and, judging by the gaggle of girls swarming around him, it didn't look like he was missing Nadine.

No 50 dover street in london is isis, the club that we were at, lol. ans so! that's the highlight of that particular night. haha, it made walking around in the cold, wearing a skirt, at 1 to 3 in the morning worthwhile. the silly train station was closed to unforeseen circumstances so we took like 2 hours-plus to get back to croydon by bus. here's some photos to go with the post haha.

yichen(dajie) and i
jolyn(housemate) and i
jo, aruana, i and dajie. we were too early(!! it was already 10-plus), which should be sufficient to explain our boredom.
us finding our way back in the cold, whilst aruana and sasha went on to find another club to go to.

okay, so that's all done with what happened on the day exams were over. on saturday, i went up to london, initially to go to the london dungeon. one of the main rides were closed so we striked that off our plans. we actually managed to get up to meet at the train station by 10! and so we were left with shopping and billy elliot, which was also cancelled due to the lack of tickets for a grand total of 7 people. met up with joanne, weiyuan, jolyn, james(jolyn's brother), and january intakes, calvin(joanne's brother), inggrid and serene. went for lunch at chinatown to eat charsiu which tastes like charsiu; you won't be able to imagine how difficult it is to find decent barbecued pork in london. and dinner at the japan centre. went window-shopping at harvey nicholls, harrods and oxford street and bought absolutely nothing.. body shop products are not counted jo!) quite sad, really. and the sales ended on that particular day as well. anyways, since we couldn't watch billy elliot, we came back to croydon to watch sweeny todd with another bunch of people. okay, so the group that watched were joanne, calvin, jolyn, james, weiyuan, jeffrey, jacky, samantha and i. the blood was really fake. and the movie was clearly tim burton's kind of movie and i guess, the movie was alright(: more photos.

people going on strike due to the sale of real fur just outside harrod's

joanne and i at our third fcuk shop of the day; all we wanted were seats to rest our legs, lol.
the surprisingly picturesque view at oxford street

and yesterday, a bunch of us went to play pool at riley's after school. okay, for me, it was more like trying to play.. especially cause i hadn't prepared myself to play pool that afternoon, i wasn't really wearing appropriately, lol. anyways, it was it was quite fun. jacky and weiyuan was playing at one table while the rest of us(jeffrey, samantha, dajie and i) were at another and believe it or not, by the time the guys were at their 8th game, we just started at the forth. imagine the difference in skill. lol. more random photo-taking, some without them noticing. lol

the beginners' table, as according to jeffrey. i think it's because i played at that table. the blurry guy is jeffrey. the one on the right is samantha.

dajie aiming for the ball. lol and that's jacky aiming for his in the background.
i had initially planned to take a photo of both weiyuan and jacky.. but jacky moved and so, weiyuan's actually blocked by him, haha. sorry weiyuan!
those playing at the same table as me. samantha, dajie, jeffrey.
random shot. if you guys really want to know, that's weiyuan on the left. not a very flattering shot though, lol.

and that wraps up what i've been up to these past few days. and guess what, i just got bombed with a law assignment, plus a law class test next week. plus, test periods are to start next week. gosh, and the vicious cycle continues.


P.S. thanks mummy. i'm feeling okay now(: i think it was just a sudden outburst of emotions that i was feeling.. kind of got over it already, haha

25.1.08 8:26 pm


DON'T ANYHOW MENTION SPA. it's illegal! lols..

And phang phang jing qi
i love being a j2~
i reali cant wait for alvls to come. wahaha.. den i can play for 7mths. (:
so u must be like me!

Anw you are going to retire le ma. so do your best and leave no regrets! yay.

To julia:

don be so sad lah. lol. i think i'll get zero for my chem lecture test. Teacher's bound to screw me. and i m still alive smiling. wahaha.. Dont set your standards so high.. Sometimes i was thinking what will happen to me if i was in RJ or sth (altho my marks cannot make it). i think i'll die dere. given tt my chem can get zero in nj, most prob i'll get -ve in RJ. so there are bad things about setting too high standards too. haha.

Ok, last bt nt least, to everyone:

23.1.08 6:19 am

haha, it's nothing erjie. my emotions were just a bit slow in reacting to the whole idea of getting the rejection. lol. anyways, had my chemistry and maths alevel papers today. they were okay... except that i'm freaking angry that i forgot how to explain why the enthalpies of hydration for anions and cations are both exothermic.. gah, never mind. i still have 98% left. lol. 1 more paper left till the end of the january exams! yippee :D if only the last paper wasn't economics :3
anyways, had dinner at a vietnamese restaurant just now to "celebrate" my housemate's brother's birthday.. it wasn't really a celebration though, some religion-related stuff.. ate tomyam! wahaha, pure bliss(: except that it was not spicy according to jo (the housemate). personally, it was quite spicy, since we added various spicy-inducing stuff into the steamboat.. maybe my tastebuds have gone weak after spending too much time in the uk :3
oh yes, and i realised that the blog layout looks fugly on IE. it's much better on firefox la, sadness, really.. but i'll get round to it when my last paper's over(: and why are we always blogging about school? haha, should we make this private? then we can blog about more.. personal stuff? LOL. aihs, i'm going to take a shower.. and then i'll head back to my economics notes. ohoh, i received my letter from lse to choose my residential hall for next year.. lots of research to do when my exams have past(: btw, lse is an university in london, lol. just in case. haha


22.1.08 9:50 pm


being online everynight at 930 has almost become a routine 'cos i have to check my gmail everyday due to cca commitments. wells, its actually because i'm afraid of missing out any info or just want to keep track of the projects. it all ends up to the R word, and yes, that is definitely the most dreadable Responsibility.

anyway, j2 is really taking a whole toll out of me. it's only the start of the year and yet this feeling is suffocating me. bleah.

juu, what happen? dont let anything put you down okays? we are always here to support you.
ooh, and i'm quite surprise to see chu's post!! yay yay! let's all blog here. rain or shine. whees~
the rest should blog here too! (:


6:48 pm

Swim PE wasn't so fun after all, i guess its because i lack the basics of swimming, like floating in the water. Dunno why, but i just can't float!! Maybe its got something to do with upthrust and stuff......

I feel so tired now, but there's still Chem SPA test tmr and i haven't studied..we had to memorise pages of instructions and reproduce it, so what's the point of SPA?? Like it helps me plan and do experiments in my kitchen next time...ANW, Thank God chinese new year is coming, and i can finally give myself a reason to slack..haha.

Oh, yea, and pls send me ALL the pics :]


3:29 am

don't you hate it when the sense of rejection and depression just creeps up from behind you and pulls you down from the back? just when you're supposed to be studying really, really hard for an exam the next day.. make that two exams. i just had to see someone talk about oxford on facebook, just had to see facebook groups that say "incoming oxford class 2008", just had to read the smug exchanges between two people who did in fact, get in. and that was enough to cast me into depression. i guess that's just something that will haunt me my whole life. the one who didn't get into anywhere she really wanted; when she did, she couldn't accept. i have to keep telling myself to count my blessings, try and convince myself that lse's just as good. although it's blatantly obvious it's not.


20.1.08 10:26 pm

i came online supposedly to research on some stuffs on my new literature text, and suey suey see julia online and told me about this blog. and so here i am obliged to create an input. hahas, okie, im just kidding.
thanks ju, this is super pretty blog, must have spent a lot of time to settle on the layout and create this blog just for all of us. sincerity felt. 100% love appreciated.

anyway, YUN must send us the pic took in din tai feng kays? dont have t send me the one whereby my sickening laogong block my face though.. (: *

2008 is going to be a hectic year ahead, and as the saying goes.. the tough gets tougher so let's all jiayous to achieve our goals.

/love, qi.

16.1.08 5:42 pm

hihi, today just had our school's cross country event @ east coast park. btw, the weather is blazingly hot!! and the ground is very muddy, as it had rained heavily the previous day.
we unknowingly stepped into the muddy field and our shoes became very muddy and disgusting.
and for the whole 3.6km we walked and chatted along the way, but it was still very tiring ( walk until my leg very pain =x)
we are having a chem test tmrw and i have no mood to study!!! dang! haha.. still got some more chapters to go =(. still searching for my motivation to do so~~


10.1.08 7:46 am

i wish i had a box, the biggest i could find;
i'd fill it right up to the brim with everything that's kind.
a box without a lock, of course, and never any key;
for everything inside that box would then be offered free.
grateful words for joys received i'd freely give away.
oh, let us open wide a box of praise for every day.

that came from the calender ying shipped over. (i am actually flipping a page each day, and it's right before of me whilst i mug so i'm constantly reminded of you guys back in spore) haha. anyways, no doubt, i'm studying away, yet again. criminal courts, this time round. ask me anything about triable either way trials, haha, and... i'll probably still not know. okay, maybe i'll know the basics. lol. can't wait for exams to be over. weird for a person whose exams have not even started to say. it's ten minutes to midnight and i'll probably study a bit longer before going to bed. pray for me! i need all the prayers i can get, to stuff all that information into my brain, gah.

love ju

ps. yun doesn't even have to sign off for me to know that those last 2 entries were probably post by her.. am i right? LOL.

7.1.08 10:06 am

9:47 am

HAHA. Hello everyone! i m in school now and i cant help it but to post some super cool pictures of JAY! woot! JAY ROX!!!! YEAH!

6.1.08 10:23 pm

tan ying zi! what was that? gah, don't simply say okay?

lol, okay. let me type on a lighter, happier note, yours truly is mugging... what else but law, right? 1 more week to Alevels and what am i doing? facebooking and msning.. with people who don't even want to tell me what they're supposed to say, hmph. anyways, catching up with taigong at the moment. it seems ngee ann has cute guys. WAHAHAS. lucky taigong. some cute guy in my college, his identify shall remain a mystery though i'm sure most at my college would know the moment i say this, dyed his hair a freaking ahbeng colour. totally ruined his image. haha. sad-ed. shall continue complaining to taigong about the lack of eyecandy at my college. lol. tata for now, babes(: and don't simply say mummy!


10:15 pm

wow.. a year had just passed by..
happy new year 2008!!!
the new year started, and i m feeling very sian.. haha
this year is important!! ppl!! do well for ur As
well.. this is my first post.. might not be able to post anytime soon as we go mile stone one on week 4 21/01/2008. basically its just a bunch of test to spur us on to start revising..
Oh! and sajc got a new principal, and heard that she is very academic oriented.. so we will be having lots of test, prelims, and more test

cheers to the new year!!

10:13 pm

Hi everyone. Since julia asked me to blog, I shall start first. But a short one. Recently, I heard that a guy likes Julia. Guess who is it? It's ONG! Haha. Huaice and Dongwei can verify this. =)


2.1.08 1:00 pm

hey sweeties! first post. well, i just sent an email to you guys so i'm not really sure what to post about. basically, just doing this so that i can preview the template.. plus, getting1 concern out of my mind so that i can actually focus on my mugging. haha, legal aid(law) really is an onerous topic to study. anyways, hope you first day of school was fun(: mine's tomorrow.. heh. okay then,


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