xinying ♥ jingqi ♥ huimin ♥ qiaochu ♥ julia ♥ yingzi ♥ shuyun ♥ cerintha

26.3.08 10:44 pm

HELLO! i'm in the school library.. and i'm bored. and because i'm such a nice person (i can see you nodding away in appreciation), i've decided to blog a little. hahaha. nothing interesting has been happening to me though lots of things have been occurring around me(: haha. oh yea, it snowed a few days back. how weird is that? the fact being that it did not even snow a drop throughout the whole of winter. nevertheless, the snow wasn't enough for us to have a snowfight or anything.

oh yea, and the gang and i.. okay, actually joanne and i, were editting alvin's love poem just now haha. really cute la, even though alvin write it without putting any feelings into it, which made it come out a little weird.. with the phrases not really meaning anything. haha, we editted quite a bit but as alvin mentioned, if he were to go along with what we editted, it wouldn't be his. so... yea, hopefully he'll be able to edit himself, sucessfully. lol

anyways, having a chemistry planning assessment in an hour's time. and what are you doing here blogging, you say. haha, i've re-read the thingy over and over.. not really in the mood to continue.

oh yes, and i don't think i had whatever-crap breakthrough i was talking about, lol. forget what i said earlier about that, haha. okay that's it. i'll go read the thingy again before i leave for class. byee

20.3.08 6:23 am

you know what? this blog is sort of dead, haha. but i know you guys are busy with the exams and everything but please do come online :/ especially soh xin ying! and watch out for my letters you guys. haha, i might just send one when i'm really bored. HAHA. anyways, a lot have been happening here.. it's been what, 2 months? i've been to paris, watched a piano concert.. plus, a HKCO concert and trust me, i've never been prouder that i play the flute. they were SO fantastic! if only i had watched it back in school, i probably would have been that much more motivated to practice my flute. let's see, what other major stuff have i done.. i applied for my accommodation at LSE, they'll notify me in may. oh, and i just came back from our principal's leaving-college concert. he's leaving our college to be the principal of another. maybe managing our school was like "no kick" - too few people and almost no problems behaviour and academic-wise. i was part of some video thingy that we had to film for the concert and that's probably the only form of participation i had in the whole event.. other than eating the buffet. oh yea, and our friends joined the basketball competition our school organised. what can i say? the results weren't that amazing but they tried their best and we had fun being there to support them(:

anyway, i think i've changed. not saying in what way but.. i don't know, i think i might be having some kind of breakthrough right now. will monitor the situation over the next few days/weeks and see how it goes. oh and you, i'm only giving you 1 more weekend. if i still don't get an affirmation or something of that sort.. i don't know what i'll do but i'll come up with something by then. gosh. okay, if you're feeling confused, good (:

going to do my homework, or rather study for my test. (finished watching the last episode of soulmate this afternoon; it was awful, gah) toodles.

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