xinying ♥ jingqi ♥ huimin ♥ qiaochu ♥ julia ♥ yingzi ♥ shuyun ♥ cerintha

28.4.08 12:53 am

the fact that i'm blogging 3 days in a row is pretty disturbing but i shall blog all the same. haha. okay girls, my summer travelling plan is sort of confirmed now. oh and just to let you know, i called mummy and you didn't answer la, gosh! but i left my name with your brother.. anyways! my exams end on the 20th of june, going to prague on the 21st till 26th. brother's meeting me in shanghai and we're probably going to hongkong for the annual family trip, woohoo. then, we're flying back to singapore on the 18th of july will go to penang on the 31st, then kl on the 1st and back to singapore on the 4th. leaving for shanghai on the 7th and then i'll probably be touring china, ugh. maybe i'll be able to convince my dad to let me go to tw/jpn/korea.. anyways, that's about it for now. all you guys have got to free at least a day for me okay? haha, to make my trip worth the while. okay then [:


27.4.08 5:39 am

i'm trying my hardest not to talk about the matter. sometimes i find myself at a loss for words while walking with jo. i grab my tongue and try to come up with a different topic.. and we end up discussing what to do for international evening. one matter leads to another, my mind seems to be moving at full speed, and comes to a full circle. don't get me wrong, i'm progressing. it's the second day, just 3 more to go. i'll try calling xy tomorrow, if i'm not tied down with overdue revision just waiting to get done and an increasing load of work to sieve through.


26.4.08 6:28 am

you know, i thought this blog had already been declared dead, but shy tagged me.. just to make sure otherwise. actually, i've already done this once over with joanne and heanwu lol, so i'll just repeat my answers here.

1.At what age do you wish to marry?
the usual 27 i guess. though i have a gut feeling that my career might be more important to me then.

2.How many children do you want?
two! lol, i'm really predictable.. girl then a boy? but on the other hand, wu has already scared me to bits about the notion of giving birth.. maybe i'll just adopt instead.

3.What I want the most now?
i want.. myself to snap out of it and to focus on what's importantah the latter.

4.What do you want to be when you grow up?
wanted to be an interior designer for the longest time ever and then a small incident made me change my mind. now, it's to be a lawyer, as if no one didn't already know that. oh yea, i don't mind being a wedding planner or a personal shopper, lol. that would be a pretty awesome job to have.

5.Which part of the world would you rather be in right now?
back home, in singapore.

6.What are you afraid to lose now?
family and friends.. and trust.

7. Do you believe in being in love forever?
maybe? unlikely but i guess it might still be vaguely possible.

8.If you meet someone you love, would you confess to him/her?
nah, just like shyanne said, i'd hope that he'll confess.

9.What would you do when you're feeling down and depressed?
preoccupy my mind with other stuff, like reading/watching dramas, and possibly cry.

10.What are the requirements that you wish from other half?
christian, able to hold a proper conversation with me, taller/smarter than me (that's quite easy to achieve, fortunately for the guy), sweet.. oh the usual stuff. my requirements may change with different people i meet.

11.Which type of person do you hate most?
overly arrogant people, people who walk too slow, those who are too stubborn for their own good

12.Do you cherish every single of your friendship?
yeaaa, i'm excluding acquaintances and people i would refer to as being.. just available contacts.

13.Do you believe in God?

14.What do you think is the most important thing in your life?

15.Do you find it a necessary for you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
nah, life goes on even without having one

16.What do you want your friend to be like?
heanwu wants his name to be on the list. haha. no, i don't need all my friends to be like heanwu. one heanwu is sufficient. lol. i want my friends to be able to point out my mistakes, and trusts me enough to be able to judge me for me and not on what others perceive me to be.

17.What kind of friend do you hope to be in your friends' eyes?
good listener, fun to be with and a friend that will go the distance.

18.If you have a change, which part of your character would you like to change?
there's a range of things to choose from actually. haha, but i would say my insecurity. i think many people would agree.

19.If you're feeling low one day, who will you go to?
no one.. oh, but yesterday i went to joanne first, then jo. and wu, but someone wanted to take a nap, tsktsk. lol.

20. Best childhood memory?
you mean kindergarden? bluffing a bunch of children that a fox came to eat the rabbits, hence their disappearance, and getting away with it.. or maybe making a profit from selling overpriced erasers in primary1.. and yes, i got away with it too.

Instructions:Remove 1 question from above, and add in your personal question to make it a total of 20 questions. Then tag 8 people in your links list them out at the end of the post.Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged. Whoever does the tag will have blessings from all.

i won't be tagging anyone. girls, you can do it if you want to. lol. actually, both heanwu and joanne did a tag each. so i'm hoping that's an adequate replacement. anyways! i'm confused. my life's all upside down and yes, i'm happy that i have friends that i'm able to speak to about that matter.. joanne and wu, i'm SO going to meet my 5 day target. it's already working, btw. lol. and i've assigned people to smack me. everything's going to plan..

and i really hope you're not the person i think you are. but for now, all that doesn't matter. i need to get my revision back on track. it's like WAY off course. okay, i admit, i'm exaggerating.. it's slightly off course. haha.

i miss xinying la! what is this, best friend? and of course, the rest of those back home ): the silver lining of it all is as what weiyuan mentioned earlier in the morning.. just 54 days till the end of exams, 61 days till shanghai and 82 days to singapore.. well, who am i trying to lie to? that's not really a silver lining..


1.4.08 6:26 am

don't you sometimes will time to pass faster, but want it to go slow, all at the same time? that's how i'm feeling now.. well, most of the time actually - just like how when i want to study, my desire to watch another episode of a certain drama deters me from doing so. my personality's full of contradictions; life's getting a little too complex to comprehend.


p.s reminder to form opinions of situations/people on your own and not to base your perceptions on what other people force upon you.

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