xinying ♥ jingqi ♥ huimin ♥ qiaochu ♥ julia ♥ yingzi ♥ shuyun ♥ cerintha

30.5.08 7:36 pm

haha... I just realise i forgot to leave my name behind on my previous post.. I only put a 'yingzi rox' at the title eveytime i leave a post.. no wonder it's confusing for you guys. hahah.. okay, mayb i leave my name as lao niang in future.. I kinda like this name.. sounds respectable.. hahaa..

Anyway, ppjq the mugger, i want an outing! i demand one! hahas.. i oso wna watch movie! is indiana jones nice?? I heard from ong tt it's nice.. i wna watch! hahah.. and those ppl who nv post anything on the blog here shall treat the rest food.. how about tt.. wahaha..

-lao niang
Ps. qi, my post is MORE COLOURFUL than yours! :p

4:25 pm


It’s me! Oh, I haven’t been able to fall asleep so I went to see the doctor. Must be too stressed. XD
Thanks for your concern cer~

Ooh, how about I organize the outing! I shall give you some days to choose then you guys tell me if you can make it, I’ll see which day everyone can make it then we’ll go out on that day!
About the venue, I come out with ideas then you guess vote okays? We see which one has the most votes then decide… =)
Anyways, am thinking we can catch a movie together too! Isn’t that cool!! Hahas. Ok, I’m abit too high.
Wells, wait for my sms then!! =P

XOXO, qi.
love you all. =D

28.5.08 10:09 pm


-_-'' that is me(cer)
hehe.. is okay.. i know that u are a busy person =p
about the gathering, pls do tell me when u guys decided on it..
to qi: why are u eating sleeping pills? are u okay? rest well.. (do rmb to dream about mee!!)
stay healthy everyone!

mug hard,

24.5.08 6:03 pm

Hello dears~

Was reprimanded by mummy to blog, so here I am... Oh, I am still alive after the CTs and apologize for the disappearing act.

OMG! Totally freak out by some school events and had complained them to poor mummy… all she could do was listen and sigh with me. Anyways, happy that ZI, you step down already!!! (: -winks-
Nowadays, realized that life isn’t that bed of roses afterall. Yes, been through some tough times, and I am really glad to have still some nice friends to accompany me throughout the down periods. Have been having fun with my classmates last few days but they are in Malaysia as I am typing this. Almost all of my clique friends are down for it and poor me did not go… it is some geog trip which definitely is going to be SUPER exciting but I decided to stay in Singapore to do some other important stuffs like MUGGING. Okay, who am I kidding… I just want to have more rest as I am quite sick some time ago. Have to eat sleeping pills now to go to bed. XD

Ooh… I’m a bit confused like who is who in the blog. I know “J” is Julis’s initial definitely, how about -_-“and the recent unknown entry? Well, I guess -_-“is cer… is it? Please tell me!

N I think we shall have a gathering SOON. Can celebrate qc, min and xy’s bday all together! Let’s meet some day okays??
Ps: Julia… you come back to celebrate my birthday ok? Hahas.

TO CER!! I miss you and I’m sorry for the recognizing your number when you messaged me the other day... >.< blur me just changed phone and din have all people’s contact. There are only 250 memory slots for the SIM card memory so it randomly took out some contact to save and make up the 250… hence, in the end I couldn’t save the rest of the 200-300 plus other contacts I had in my phone.
So *warning*… don’t be offended if I ask who you are when I reply you guys... =X

Alrights, love you guys as usual and meet up soon!

21.5.08 9:29 am

Hello everyone. My exams are finally over, so i've got the time to blog. Hahas.. actually where are the rest other than cerintha and julia ar.. They seem to disappear alr..

do you all wna have some gathering soon?? (:

17.5.08 12:22 am


how are you? are you rather busy?


16.5.08 2:57 am

once again, i'm getting to experience how it feels to be force-fed something you don't want to eat. totally gross.


11.5.08 5:43 am

cer! i didn't know that you blogged something! lol, i just post such a sad-sounding thingy. gosh! i'm healthy, don't worry. a little too healthy, heh. all the best for the tests you guys! mine's this coming thursday, gah. oh, was on the phone with yingzi earlier in the day, lol. i think she's doing okay. ahhaha mummy, see? there's someone other than me blogging(:

loving you guys(: especially cer cause she blogged, LOL.


5:37 am

watched this drama just now (yes, i know i should really be studying at the moment). somehow, the short 20-minute drama really touched me. there was one significant phrase - "i couldn't win over his past." i guess that's probably true in many ways. maybe i'm thinking too much but ain't a girl's intuition usually spot-on? i suppose i should trust my gut feeling. sadly, the female lead had the most tragic ending. sadness.

i think i'm going to start banning myself from switching on my laptop. i shall start from tomorrow evening. queen of procrastination, lol.


6.5.08 3:08 pm


lol.. the reason why i didnt blogged for so long is that i totally forgot my gmail acc password.. and so happen today that i suddenly remembered it.. so ya.. and i decided tp blog.. just finished my gp lesson.. how are u guys doing? are u all healthy and happy? (lol..)
we have been very busy for the pass week with cricket training then some test with loads of hw to do.. hehe.. this term is really passing fast and coming to a sudden end too.. really looking forward to june holis!! can sleep as long as i like!! but the block test 2 coming after that really spoils the holiday mood.. go to go and study for the maths test later.. will blog some more later too.!!

miss u guys alot.. and especially juu.. since u are thousands of miles away!! haha.. btw we will set a day to go out with u!! stay healthy!!


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