xinying ♥ jingqi ♥ huimin ♥ qiaochu ♥ julia ♥ yingzi ♥ shuyun ♥ cerintha

30.7.08 10:23 pm


i posted the new post with pictures...
this is only part of the pictures!
one part is in the email i sent, one part is from here, and there are a couple in my friendster profile..
the files of the pics r v big becos im lazy to resize them so i have to upload at different venues so that i dont have to wait so long..

ANW, this sat i cant make it!
will msg u guys to arrange a new date~
so so so SORRRY~

loves, qi

10:04 pm

17.7.08 4:46 pm

darlings! i hope you guys already know but i'll still mention it here all the same - i'm going back tomorrow (starts doing a happy dance). lol, i can't wait! the flight's sq831. lol, i know efficent yun already knows all the details but just in case la (: woo! okay. i'm still packing so see you at the airport :D


15.7.08 12:34 am

two more days to singapore, woo(: eh, zi, i'm flying back to meet up with you all hor so you can't complain about that. i forbid(: haha and qi!! can't wait to go back too(:

anyway, i was taken aback by yun's sudden long post. mentioned to cer that i felt that you suddenly grew up a lot. and to think that you wrote all of that yourself, it's all very quote-ish. (at first i thought that you took them from a website with lots of quotes) anyway, it seems like you've been going through a lot (?) or maybe just a unfamiliar phase.. either way, we'll be here for you la, giving you support(: and!! i totally empathise with you about the "can't wait to turn 18" part, lol! but fortunately, uk's not strict about its movie regulations.. m18 movies in singapore are usually like above-15 and such.. anyway, you take care! don't age too fast lol, same to the rest of you guys.

oh yes, continuing from yun's post, i've been watching plenty of movies lately.. like kungfu panda (i totally agree, the movie was pretty awesome), hancock, red cliff (watched that today. totally bummed out by the abrupt ending, or rather hiatus) and even older movies like becoming jane, the oxford murders.. lol. no idea why i'm watching that many movies but yea, those are what i've watch since i arrived in shanghai. they're all pretty good actually. nothing was all that bad.. the plot of the oxford murders caught me by surprise actually.. if you like the csi series, you've got to watch it.. just because it's another detective/forensics-themed movie lol.

anyway, i've to sleep soon.. can't wait till friday(:


12:21 am



13.7.08 1:55 am

I am going to blog, as in a serious one, a non-nonsense one. FINALLY right? Sorry for not blogging for so so so long. okay. Seriously I did not blog for so long because I do not know what to blog about. My life is kind of boring, yes boring.

firstly, I want to comment on some of the movies that I watched recently.

  • Kungfu Panda- Panda Po is CUTE CUTE CUTE and CUTE. The movie is really funny and the kind of humor is not the same as other animation movies. The only thing that I can criticize is that the movie is TOO TOO short! What a waste. Oh, and a quote that I remembered from the movie that I think is quite meaningful. "to make something special, you just have to believe it's special" yeah, it's special !
  • Iron Man- didn't want to watch it initially because of the main actor, can't believe an old man acting as a super hero!? Omg. However, after hearing much positive reviews about this movie, decided to give it a chance. Yep. And surprisingly, it was quite good and extremely humorous. Can't stop laughing at some scenes, seriously. This old man is not just an old man after all.
  • Incredible Hulk- it is better than the first one I think. But this is definitely not an impressive movie, just an alright so-so movie with a predictable plot. But I don't really get the ending- fusion of Hulk and Iron Man??? Whoa, if it's really true… i cant imagine.
  • Made of Honor- Quite an interesting and different movie. Although the ending is quite expected. But still, it's worth my time watching. The moral of the story is- A man and a woman can never be best friends. true?
  • The Happening- this movie is freaky, especially the starting when you have no idea what's HAPPENING. To avoid spoiler, I shall not elaborate anymore, go and watch if you really want to know what is HAPPENING.
  • Wanted- this movie is extremely extremely bloody, not recommended for those who are Hematophobia (afraid of blood). Some scenes are really COOL, I was stunned when I see them. And most importantly, Angelina Jolie is nothing but HOT. without her, the movie will be so boring.
  • 21- the actor named Jim Sturgess is quite CUTE seriously. But that's not the point. The movie is really fantastic. I especially like the way it is directed. I love the way they link everything together. Well, basically it is a movie about mathematics, statistic in fact. Quite interesting the way they make use of Mathematics to earn lots of money. maybe we should try some day?
  • Hancock- Not like any other superhero movie. It has a very unique storyline but wasn't elaborated and made use of properly and effectively. Wasted. Could have been a much better movie. If I was the director, everything will be different. Haha.
  • Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay- this movie is nothing but lame. But some parts are really hilarious although I know it doesn't make sense at all. Oh, and most importantly, I really want to share a poem that was recited in the movie which really impressed me. So I'm going to share it with everyone here.

The Square Root of 3

I'm sure that I will always be
A lonely number like root three.
The three is all that's good and right,
Why must my three keep out of sight
Beneath the vicious square root sign?

I wish instead I were a nine,
For nine could thwart this evil trick,
with just some quick arithmetic.
I know I'll never see the sun, as 1.7321.
Such is my reality, a sad irrationality.

When hark! What is this I see?
Another square root of a three.
As quietly co-waltzing by,
Together now we multiply
To form a number we prefer,
Rejoicing as an integer.

We break free from our mortal bonds
With the wave of magic wands.
Our square root signs become unglued.
Your love for me has been renewed.

Alright. The list of the movies that I watched recently ends here. I feel like a movie critic. Now is your turn to share!

Moving on, I just want to say recently a lot of things happened, to you to me to us to all to everyone, be it good or bad, happy or sad. What's usually most important and matters the most is how one learns to accept all these happenings. To take it as it is or try to change it? If changing it can really make a whole lot of difference in the positive way, then do it. But don't try to change any facts as facts they are called, cannot be changed. All that you can do is to change your thinking your mindset. Feelings that can't be explained can only be endured.

"Want to smile to disguise the tears that are falling. Nod my head, admitting to myself that I am afraid of the dark. Want to cry to find out whether I am numb yet. The whole world seems like I am the only one who is tired"

Questions left unanswered
Statements left uncompleted
Words left unspoken.
Things left undone.
Feelings left undetected.
Minds left undecided.
Hearts left unlocked.

Eventually, what's left?

I wonder.

"I think I'm moving but I go nowhere. You start to wonder why you are here not there. And you'd give anything to get what's fair. But fair ain't what you really need. "

However, some things cannot be changed. It is time that we should learn to accept, no matter what is the ending, good or bad happy or sad. After all, facts can't be changed, they can only be accepted. Give it one more chance, and it will still be the same. One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it. The more one choose to avoid, the more one will face it. However, fate doesn't always get to decide, people get to choose too. Yes. But eventually what's left to decide is just your heart.

"Don't like reality, its way too clear to me. We are what we don't see, missed everything, daydreaming. Flames to dust. Living this way I stress less, I want to pull away when the dream dies. The pain sets it and I don't cry. I only feel gravity and I wonder why."

It all seems too near and too far. Giving it some hope but all seem to be empty. Giving it some light but all seem to be dark. Giving it some warmth but all seem to be cold. Giving it all, but all seem to be gone. Give it your best and it will still seem like it's not the best.

"Look around me, But all I seem to see, Is people going no where, expecting sympathy. It's like we're going through the motions, of a scripted destiny. Tell me where's our inspiration, if life won't wait, I guess it's up to me."

Sometimes, I really want to have a wish. A wish- not a wish hoping that it will come true. But just a wish to keep things moving, keep my heart beating keep my mind thinking. But I don't know what to wish for. Wish for what? What's there to wish for? What's worth wishing for? I never understand. Never. Never. Never. Maybe I can then maybe I could. And maybe I will then maybe I would.

"It's the heart afraid of breaking. It's the dream afraid of waking. When the night has been too lonely and the road has been too long, just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snow, lies the seed that's with the sun's love, in the spring becomes the rose."

When I look at the empty streets the empty road the empty lane, what comes to my mind is I Am Legend. There is no one else left except yourself. What will you do? What can you do? Anything and everything in fact. But is that really what you want what you desire? Yes, you may have everything and anything. But eventually, you will realize that what you have left is nothing.

"Searching for where I can find a blue sky. Following the gentle wind and lightly float. The wounds that I have don't feel painful. I want to one step at a time proceed climbing upwards.Waiting for sunshine, I quietly looked at its face. The small sky has big dreams."

Happiness is what everyone hope for yearn for wish for. But is it really achievable? Do people really ever feel happy or are they just pretending that they are happy? Looking back, how many times have you smiled from the bottom of your heart and not smile for the sake of smiling, not as a façade?

"I am not born to love loneliness, yet I have it more than anyone else. Give me the whole world, and I am still left nothing. I want happiness; I want to be able to sleep peacefully."

I cant wait to be 18. i can do alot of things when i am 18. watch M18 movies, learn driving....... just so many things i can do. but what to do, my bday is like in NOV. never mind, is just 4 months more. i can wait.

recently, the weather has been extremely warm. global warming? is the world coming to an end? okay, this is random.

have been sleeping rather late recently, dont know why. just feel like sleeping late. i know it's bad. and i am trying hard to change it.

but well, i think i have been aging rather fast recently. i have memory lost, back ache, hair lost, insomnia, weird appetite.....heh but i grew 2 cm!! yeah, cant believe i am still gowing at this age. rather unbelievable.

I don't know why after finish typing all these and reading through it, I feel that it is quite nonsensical. Oh well, since I have spent so much effort and time typing this, I shall still post it anyway. Sorry if it bored anyone.

♥ yUn

10.7.08 4:57 pm

horrible ju. always flying here n there... when we are mugging like siao.. humph..



-laoniang is abit bu shuang!

9.7.08 6:05 pm

been quite busy nowadays so haven been online often..

ANYWAYS, juu.. er jie waiting for u to come back!! (:
oh to yun.. better fulfil your promise!

i just upload some pics for u to see okays?
i wanna go orh orh.. abit tired! >.<

love, qi!

11:06 am

still waiting for that post, yun LOL. anyway, i'm going to hk tomorrow.. heh, i feel a little insecure, like as if i've not done enough homework about my destination yet but ohwells, i guess i'll never feel really prepared, ever. how are you guys? i've not been seeing any of you online, except for zi.. and sometimes, cer haha. i need to go out again, gah. okay. see you soon! woo!


4.7.08 2:13 am

i promise a decent post by me soon.


3.7.08 1:03 pm

what's with the blue boxes all of a sudden? hahah! how do you make that appear anyway? and good for all of you whose exams are now finally dunzo (: and whowho went for bowling? sighhh i want. anyway, happy belated to qiaochu! have not seen you online for AGES. and that's so sweet of you cerintha ((: i can't wait to be back too! 18th july, WOO!

a little update about me: these few days, i've been doing housewife-y things, like buying luandry baskets/clothes stands/flowers to decorate the house, blabla. and have eaten fake singaporean/malaysian food to somehow compensate for not being home. oh yes, the main point is my dearest brother is back from melbourne after more than 1 year of not seeing each other. hm, what else? oh yes, i'm going to HK for the annual family trip next week. and yes, prague was funfunfun. can you imagine?/ i didn't even get tanned from obs and i'm actually tanned from going to prague. and as mummy requested.. here's a few photos. oh mummy, i have a few les-y pictures, show you guys when i get back. ohoh, since i'm on that topic, we saw many cute gay guys in prague. okay, enough of that, photos.. i have 600-plus (and that's just my camera, there's three others to consider)

okay, then, i'm going out now, haha. probably to do more aunty stuff. till then (:


[edit] oh yea, i forgot to add, i've got a new blog now.. like to occupy my time with something lol
click here, woo [/edit]

1.7.08 6:45 am


our exam ends today!! woots.. lol.. no school tmrw, we also thinking of ponning sch on thurs, then we got some bazaar thingy on fri.. youth day next monday! after today will be so slack!! lol

we can go JE one day!! just set the time with us =)

i await the day that juu comes back!


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