xinying ♥ jingqi ♥ huimin ♥ qiaochu ♥ julia ♥ yingzi ♥ shuyun ♥ cerintha

30.12.08 12:20 am

Hello friends!!

It's going to b new year soon..
While everybody is busy with our lives, rmb to take some time to take a breather and make 2009 new year resolutions! They need not be extreme or wild, but i believe all our wishes should be practical!
So I'm hoping that all of us will have a better year next yr and may peace, love and joy surround us all yr round. (=

BTW, i revamped my old blog to start selling some stuffs. Do visit to support me okays?
(friends have 10% discount for the items being put up for sale now)
Leave some comments there when u guys have time!



25.12.08 8:02 pm

Hello everyone. Just wna wish you guys,

Merry Christmas! =)

and yeah, xy you look abit cheena la. haha! =P


17.12.08 5:13 pm

heys!!! i'm in thailand now. i'll b back on 24th afternoon. not sure of the timing yet. oh. we played wif china le n they're super duper sweet n nice. ask u all! do i really look like a china girl?! i was walking into the ground den there's one china girl who kept staring at mi i was thinking wat's wrong den she suddenly shouted "zhong guo ren!!!" super duper loudly tt made everyone turn n look at mi. hahas. they kept asking mi whether i was frm china n everything it's like super funny la. n n i took alot of photos wif all of them. there's one girl who look so like guy n is so much better looking den the guys in singapore. lols. show "him" to u all when i get the photos:) haiz. i seriously miss singapore man. this place is like nth much to do de all we do is play cricket eat n sleep. shopping is like only at nite cos there's only nite market which we can bargain alot. sianz. i donno wat to buy for u guys. i don buy anything back kies. hahas. i noe tt's impossible. mame confirm scream like hell de. hahas. btw. when will the x'mas party b? sorry gotta go le. tell u guys more another day:) byes...

lov YinG

15.12.08 5:52 pm


It's the christmas season and i'm so excited about it!
hehe. Well. Christmas is always and forever my favourite season.
Although it doesn't snow over here in Singapore but I just love the kind of atmosphere and most importantly all those end of season sales!!

Btw, went to enlarged JP to shop yst. A lot to see but nothing much to buy... >.<
Cant wait for tmr to go shopping AGAIN!! and finally getting to see the 202 girls. =)

OH.. i'm learning driving theory now and guess who i saw!
SIJIA from our T2 class!
she used to be from part of our family too!! =x
she's alone and i was w my boyfriend so we didn't talk much..
but BBDC has a lot of familar faces! been seeing ppl i know everytime i go there..
N i cant wait to go for practical lessons!!

Christmas celebration? COOL COOL!
but i may nt b free on the 24th. my family having a gathering..
ANW, will julia be back for our class gathering on the 20th??


You back?? Did you guys win?? =D

love you all!!

14.12.08 12:54 am


lets have xmas party tgt on xmas eve!! can u make it?


8.12.08 11:04 pm

hey, sorry i have not been posting lately. been really busy la. it's the last week of term though. which mean.. i'll be back in singapore soon. and if the chalet looks fun!! too bad i can't go )): and sohxinying! you'll only be back on the 24th?! i'm leaving on the 3rd leh lol! why like that one.

oh and guess what? i'm sick again, but i'm getting better though! 2 out of 3 major thingies for my contract law module have already been done. i'm just left with a single presentation on thursday (flying on friday), i have not packed my bag yet and there's a lot o fchristmas socials to attend lol. and of course, a lot of stuff to be read and studied and what have you not.

anyways! love you all! i'm going off now!

love juliiaaa

11:10 am

hey hey!! our blog is alive~

Zizi.. WELCOME BACK. hope your trip was fun!!
the place sounds so cool can~
i wanna go!!
we shall go like next year!! =D =D

send photos, send photos, send photos!!!
how's work now? ;) still able to sleep in the office??

you finally blogged AGAIN!! -put fireworks-
anw, jiayous for your upcoming competition~
go go go!!!!

Can't wait for you to be back!
We can celeb xmas together~
:D :D :D

ooh.. i'm busy working now! but still free if you guys wanna date me..
miss you all~

LOVES, qi.

8:57 am

frenz!!!! don say i nv blog again hor. i was seriously super duper bz. my china was fun n even more fun wif all the fun-loving high ppl. lols. the scenery were veriveri nice wif all the olden days building n the lakes, stones n mountain. we took so many so many photos the 1st few days. but den aft tt we realised all the scenery n infrastructure looks all the same to us. we got tired of all the lakes n history all we wan is SHOPPING. group photoon the ship on pudong

n tis, we went to a sch for a day. c i'm so so attentive. guess tis is one of the few times i'm not caught slpping during lessons. hahas. oh n their chi lesson is like our higher higher higher higher higher higher chi!!!! lols.
nite view of shanghai
imagnicient show in song chengrole play in song cheng. guess wat i'm acting as???!!! the king!!! lols. don look like rite? c the 2nd pic is mi being overthrown n the queen even ran away wif the general. lols. the last pic is the queen n ru fei snatching for mi. hahas.

my class on the ship on tai huin some park. don rmb which one le cos there's too many similar ones. lols.
san guo cheng

cha chun

more to go but i'm veri veri tired n lazy to upload le. lols. oh btw in case u all didnt noe i'm flying again! i'm going to changmai for comp on 11dec till 24 dec which means i'll b missing the class outing. sob sob:( i'll miss all of you..

lov ya

7.12.08 8:29 pm

Hey guys, rmb i mentioned to you about me going to kukup, msia? It's a fishing village and it has entertainment such as mahjong, karaoke etc. sth like a chalet. Well, i went to chk out the pricing already. This time, we paid arnd $75 each. Three meals provided, including a bbq at night. and there's a trip to a nearby kellong.. I think the price is quite steep lah. bt my mum say the price is negotiable esp when we can go during wkdays or non sch hols. show u guys some pics.

the kellong

karaoke. the songs are quite new! see that small computer beside the tv? it's meant for selecting songs. like kbox like that.

At night, can put fireworks! like this!

haha. yup, that's all. if you guys wanna go then i can help to find out more lorh. the only difficult thing is t arrange a time such tt all of u can make it.. >.<


4.12.08 10:53 pm

hey heys!!

hi everyone!! long time no blog.. so here im now..
how are u juu?? we miss u so much!! u will be coming back on 19 dec rite?? are we having xmas party tgt?
haven started to look for a job yet.. haha so been slacking at home everyday~~

okay! how abt u guys??


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