xinying ♥ jingqi ♥ huimin ♥ qiaochu ♥ julia ♥ yingzi ♥ shuyun ♥ cerintha

28.3.09 1:39 am

hey darlings! i forgot about the blog too! lol, i've not spoken to any of you guys for so long ): was pleasantly surprised to see so new many new posts. you guys must be really bored now that alevels are over hahaha.

actually, i just got back from amsterdam a few days ago. it was good. lots of sight-seeing and relaxed touring. so and i learnt so much about their red light district (youngest is 18, oldest is 74). amsterdam is really pretty though (go see photos on fb(: ) and no, i didn't try weed. so yea!

now that i'm back, i should start studying for my finals. it's really scary because there's so much to study and my exam timetable is really quite bad ): but i'll manage, or at least i'll have to manage, somehow.

oh, and i'm going to greece on tuesday!! will post many lovely photos and tell you guys all about it when i'm back. on sunday, i'm going for burberry's sample sale woo! i doubt i'll buy anything though. it should be quite ex and my friend who has already been, said that the bags they have on sale are really ugly.. we'll see (:

um, what else.. oh, i've been looking around for property in london.. to stay in for next year. we've kind of pinpointed a few that we like but there's no finalised flat or flats yet. i might be goning to see yet another flat on monday. they're not cheap, so sad!

and you guys have so many photos without me! i'm major-jealous ))): we must take LOADS of pictures when i'm back okay! oh yes, and my flight's been booked. it's tentatively 19th june and i'm trying to get ti changed to the 13th so that my friend can help me lug my luggage back (: haha. keep that date free, people! :D oh and another thing, i'll be in singapore the whole summer this time round (excluding travelling), no more heading to shanghai, for those that i've not told hahah. but i'll probably be trying to squeeze in two internships ): well, we'll see if i'm able to get them first la..

okay, i'm heading out now. going to watch swan lake the ballet woo! excited. love you guys! don't fret over university choices yea? have loads of fun.. because.. studying for university exams really sucks ):


[edit] oh yea, i forgot to mention my aspirations.. i used to, back in kindergarden days, want to open my own kindergarden. by the time i got to secondary school, my ambition switched to being an interior designer, then an architect.. in between i did consider going into biochemistry hahaha. and then, i decided on law. oh wait, i think i considered business too. but my ultimate plan is to earn enough money to open a shop selling artsy/cutsey stuff HAHAHA. basically, stuff that i would buy. and my hobby's obviously shopping :D okay, love! got to run. i'm late [/edit]

24.3.09 9:32 pm


Qiaochu... your idea is so good! it's so interested to know what are all our aspirations!
Well, i wanted to b a doctor like yz but later think that i cant make it bcos i have shaking hands plus i think i will most prob faint everytime they wan me to do sth. HAHAS.
My ambitions change drastically every now and then thereafter.
I wanted to b a psychologist for a period of time, then changed to want to b a DJ, for now i want to have a job that focus on maketing or PR related jobs. :D

OOHH, i suggest we each think of a topic to write too!
How abt writing about favourite past time this time round? Everybody has to contribute!! (:
before i write mine, i guess yz's fav past time is to count money! I rmb that's what she said her hobby was during the first day in skl during sec 3 times.
Well, i don hav a particular hobby or past time, but i do enjoy doing a lot of things and all these involving RELAXING treats.

Shuyun.. you finally posted the photos. -clap clap-
anw, the photos quite blur know. dont know is it bcos of resizing. >.<

Cer.. jiayous for your driving test! i haven book mine yet. =x
Anw, japan looks so fun and u look very pretty in the kimono-alike piece! ((:

I will organise a outing on April so look out for my msg okays??

LOVE all of you.

1:26 pm

hi everyone!
Sorry for my long absence! i actually forgot about the blog!! haha (im really quite absent minded). i remembered about the blog when i was going thru my fav webbys. So there is some updates of my life!
1. Job : Everyone is contributing to our shrinking economy, so im working too!
i'm tuitoring 5 kids! ( but still kinda free in week days =D)
2: Japan Trip:
Food was great, weather was wonderfully cold! The sashimi and sea food over there is sooo fresh and they are naturally sweet. Hokkaido's milk is super creamy, leaves a very pleasant after taste in mouth! Seriously very enjoyable, and totally worth the money!
some pics!
Kobe Beef!! super juicy, and very exp!
We rode Snowmobiles through a forest, super relaxing with the cold wind blowing in your face.

Me and my bro in Yukata! (similar to kimono) before going to onsen (hot spring - must totally strip everything off)

3. Uni : Yz is rite! i tink im gg to be an engineer or scientist.. im looking at the NUS chemical engineering course, but i saw their cut off is like AAAA. i dun think i can go in.

4. Life : still learning to drive~ but my Dday (test date) is 15/5/2009. hope i can pass in my first try. i have attended 13 practical lessons le.
Now i spend my days going online, playing the guitar and occassionally going out with my family
So how are u Juu? hows uni??

22.3.09 11:02 pm



SO ENJOY !!! =)


PART 2 (AT VIVO 031208)

actually there are many more, but some of the picz are too unglam, i think if i put it here, u all will kill me haha. anyway, my childhood aspiration is to start my own business! but i dont know if its still possible. oh well.. anyway, all the best to everyone's application for uni!


18.3.09 4:00 pm

haha. qiao chu. that's a gd idea.

hmm, i wanted t be a doc actually since young. tt's why i started reading on platelets and stuff since i was 6! but aiya, as i grow older, i think i fear blood and pus and all sorts of stuff, plus my results so lousy. so i decided t face it and not be a doc le. so i decided t aim for what i see money everyday. hahas. so i was hoping to be a bank teller/cashier. damn cool right. bt i heard u'll have to pay for any loss of money so i decided nt to oso bt aim for accountancy. wahaha.

yeah tat's all.

and i gt a feeling that cer wants t b a scientist. dno why.

and this blog is sooooo deadddd..


15.3.09 9:19 pm

lets all take a break from this stressful, indecisive, faculty-choosing period by posting a blog update each, and tell us your childhood aspirations and dreams! haha..

My childhood aspiration is to become a CID. And looks like i'll never fulfill it now...

ANW, i went for the NTU & NUS open houses on saturday and the business talk was like, sooo boring! but i heard the other talks were boring as well..haha, that kinda made me feel better..

I ended up taking home tons of brochures and throwing away most of them. Hunting for freebies was pretty fun! haha..i feel so cheapo now.

And all this while JQ'a enjoying life in wanna go overseas too! :[

Alright, i've ran out of random stuff to write, so..i hope you guys are well! Cya soon!


3.3.09 1:16 pm


haha. i guessed all of u guys would have known by now.

Just wna wish you all all the best in A levels! (:

and enjoy ur trip qi! haha. nth that i wna buy YET. lol.


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